Water's Edge Dental Blog

7 Tips for Fresh Breath

July 17, 2019

Woman with bad breathWhether you’re heading into that dream job interview or going on a first date, the last thing you want to worry about is bad breath. Unfortunately, according to Medical News Today, bad breath is estimated to affect 1 in 4 people globally. While it can be a signal of an underlying medical issue, the most common cause comes down to oral hygiene. In this post, your dentist in Port Orange explains how to achieve fresh breath with 7 simple tips.


Dentist In Port Orange Has a New Location – With the Same Great Dental Care

May 20, 2019

Woman with a beautiful smileWhether you’re a new patient or you’ve been seeing us for many years, we’re excited to tell you about our recent move to a new location! As of May, 2019, our new address is 4410 S. Ridgewood Ave, Port Orange, FL 32127. But we’re not changing everything – you can bet that you and your family will get the same great care from your dentist in Port Orange as always. In this month’s blog, you’ll learn about the many services we provide and our overall approach to dental care. Find out more below!


Losing Weight and Oral Health in Port Orange: The Surprising Connection

February 27, 2019

jellybeans of different colorsDid you know that there’s a strong link between losing weight and oral health in Port Orange? It’s true. The same kind of devoted discipline that helps you to shed pounds can also lower your risk for tooth decay and gum disease; and vice versa. This is yet more proof that our bodies work as a unified whole. It’s also added reason to see your dentist for regular exams and cleanings.


Your Dentist This Condition Can Cause Big Issues

January 25, 2019

woman sitting in dentist chair smilingThe mouth can be considered as a window into the health of the rest of the body. One reason for this phenomenon is that the blood in the gums flows to such vital organs as the heart, brain and pancreas. Medical professionals have discovered that a serious condition called Chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) may have some indirect ties to your oral health. Read on to learn how.


Exploring Men’s Oral Health

June 14, 2018

Man flossing teethJune is men’s health month in the US. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about common oral and overall health concerns that affect men, especially those that are often overlooked. When it comes to dental care, research indicates that men are much less likely to keep up with their regular oral hygiene routines and preventive dental checkups. This puts them at increased risk for oral health issues that can negatively impact every aspect of their day to day life from the simplest smile to eating a healthy diet.

Chronic Lyme Disease and Your Oral Health: The Surprising Connection

May 15, 2018

lyme disease conceptEach year, about 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC, but in fact, there may actually be up to 300,000 diagnosed cases each year. Most of these occur in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, but that doesn’t mean that Florida residents are exempt from the possibility of getting this or another tickborne illness. Since May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity for us to talk about this disease and the surprising connection between chronic Lyme disease in Daytona and oral health.


How to Make Your Dental Crown in Port Orange Last uch Longer

March 4, 2018

A woman smiling,If you’ve ever had a dental crown fall off or break in the past, keep in mind that dental crowns don’t necessarily last forever. However, if it’s only been a year or two since you received your dental crown in Port Orange, then you may need to reconsider the steps you’re taking to care for it. Luckily, these steps are not anything too significant; anyone can make their dental crown last longer if they try.

To make things easier, your dentist has provided a brief list of points to consider. Whether you just received a crown or had one that fell off, you can benefit.


History of Dental Floss

February 2, 2018

blue package of floss openYou’ve probably been hearing since your childhood how important it is to floss several times a day to prevent the growth of bacteria and plaque that cause gum disease. But have you ever wondered where floss comes from? What’s its history and who makes it? Another question you may have is, “Do children need to floss?” So to commemorate National Children’s Dental Health Month, your dentist in Port Orange will answer these questions and explain why it’s so important to introduce this method of oral hygiene to your kids.


Your Dentist Discusses How Eating Disorders Affect Oral Health

January 30, 2018

eating disorders signEating disorders pose a serious threat to a person’s overall health. Often, information about the devastating consequences of these conditions centers around the damage that improper nutrition can lead to for various bodily systems. However, what some people might not realize is that eating disorders can also be detrimental to a person’s oral health. Your dentist in Port Orange is here to explain why you should take extra care of your teeth if you are struggling with an eating disorder.


Orofacial and Jaw Pain and its Relation to Your Dental Health

December 8, 2017

Woman with jaw painDo you suffer from reoccurring jaw pain? This is known as orofacial pain, which is a term used to describe pain that occurs in the jaws, face, or mouth. The symptoms and the causes of the discomfort can be quite diverse; however, it is believed that 95% of cases originate from a dental issue, such as an abscess. With the National Institutes of Health estimating that 1 out of 10 Americans suffer from chronic craniofacial pain and inflammation, it is quite a large epidemic. Now, groundbreaking research may have found the cause behind chronic jaw pain.