If your dentist’s office says you have a tooth condition, you’re likely to assume it’s something familiar. You might think it’s a cavity or an infection caused by excess bacteria. In any event, the dentist won’t tell you anything too out of the ordinary, right?
There are times, though, when dentists diagnose patients with rather odd tooth disorders. So,
even if you have a cavity, you should be thankful you don’t have one of the following disorders.
Tooth Gemination
Tooth gemination is a process by which two teeth develop from a single bud. The result of this budding is an extra-large, disfigured tooth with two pulp chambers and a single root. A geminated tooth often causes bite misalignment, tooth decay at the joint of the two chambers, or tooth overcrowding in the mouth.
Unless it’s too broad or presents a health risk, most dental professionals recommend that you leave it alone so it’ll (hopefully) fall out on its own. However, if a geminated tooth causes problems for nearby teeth, a dentist might suggest it be extracted.
Anodontia specifically refers to a rare genetic disorder in which some teeth never form, usually between one to five of them. Although it can affect baby teeth and permanent teeth alike, the latter is more common.
Anodontia can either be complete or partial. In the rare case of “complete anodontia,” none of a patient’s adult teeth ever form. In contrast, partial anodontia, in which only one or more teeth are missing, is the more frequent variety.
Anodontia, being genetic in nature, can’t be reversed or cured. A dentist may recommend implants or dentures to replace the unformed teeth. Dentists recommend that children suffering from this condition receive treatment early to preserve their oral health, jaw, and facial structure.
Hyperdontia, essentially the opposite of anodontia, refers to when someone has too many teeth. These extra teeth are usually found in the upper row and only involve one extra tooth. Rather than erupting, the extra teeth often develop in the gums, delay the appearance of other teeth, and can lead to tooth overcrowding and crooked eruption. Most dentists recommend that these teeth be extracted, though, in some circumstances, applying orthodontics is also a possibility.
Talon Cusps
Talon cusps, conical-like growths that develop on the backs of teeth, can cause several possible health problems. One example is malocclusion, or a bad bite, in which the rows of teeth are misaligned. Another issue they can cause is mouth crowding, which complicates the development of other teeth. They also sometimes lead to irritation of the gums, cheek, and tongue as well as plaque accumulation between the cusp and its tooth.
A dentist might recommend a root canal treatment if the cusp contains pulp, connective tissue and nerves that comprise a tooth’s innermost area.
As you can see, these conditions are no joke. Thankfully, they’re fairly rare, so you shouldn’t worry about them too much!
About the Practice
Water’s Edge Dental is based in Port Orange, FL. Headed by Dr. Sean Bannan, who earned his DDS from the University of Michigan’s School of Dentistry, its team believes in holistic dental treatment that benefits the entire body. They’re also known for their preventive and restorative services, which are carried out with the latest in advanced dental technology. For more information or to schedule an appointment, the team can be reached at their website or by phone at (386)-516-4351.