Invisalign Port Orange

A Convenient Means of Correcting Orthodontic Issues

When asked to think about orthodontics, you probably picture painful wires, colorful brackets, and a mouthful of unsightly metal. While traditional braces certainly continue to be effective, our team at Water’s Edge Dental proudly offers our patients in Port Orange, FL a more comfortable, convenient, and aesthetically pleasing alternative: Invisalign. In other words, with this cosmetic dentistry option, we can give you the gorgeous smile you desire without the metal!

Why Choose Water’s Edge Dental for Invisalign?

  • Highly Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Advanced Technology Facilitates Patient Comfort
  • Faster Process Than Metal Braces

How Invisalign Works

Dentist placing clear aligner on patient's top teeth

After sending off the necessary information to the Invisalign lab, our office will receive a clear, customized set of aligners that will comfortably fit your unique smile. Each set of aligners represents a different stage of your teeth as they slowly move into their ideal alignment. All you need to do as our patient is wear each one for the appropriate amount of time before switching to the next one in the set. Additionally, you’ll need to attend brief check-ups with Dr. Sean Bannan every four to six weeks so that he can keep an eye on your progress and confirm everything is going smoothly.

Who Invisalign Can Help

Dental assistant holding clear aligner and smiling at patient

The good news is that Invisalign has proven to be effective at addressing both mild and moderate cases of malocclusion. So, if you have crooked teeth, an open bite, or another common orthodontic problem, there’s a good chance that Invisalign is an option for you. To learn more, you can read on or schedule your initial consultation with us!

Crowded Teeth

If your teeth crowd together to the point where they overlap, then don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign. If you are, then we will create a custom series of aligners to gently bring your teeth into proper alignment. The final result will be a smile that is both beautiful and healthy.

Gaps Between Teeth

As you get older, the gaps between your teeth may cause you to feel self-conscious. Don’t worry – Invisalign can fix spacing issues without drawing unwanted attention to your smile. In fact, you’ll be able to easily see the progress since the aligners are see-through and removable!

Bite Alignment

In order to create a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile, we need to bring your teeth and your bite into proper alignment. Fortunately, Invisalign can address overbites, crossbites, and other common bite problems with the help of orthodontic accessories, like rubber bands.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Woman smiling while holding tablet in office

Invisalign offers patients several valuable benefits when compared to traditional braces, including:

  • Discreet Aligners – As the name implies, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, meaning that you can undergo treatment without feeling constantly concerned about what your friends or coworkers are thinking. Instead, all they’ll see is your straighter smile!
  • Hassle-Free Treatment – The aligners are removable, so there’s no need to worry about food getting stuck or areas of your mouth being too hard to floss. Instead, your diet and oral hygiene routine can remain completely unchanged. It’s even okay to take out the aligners for an hour or so if you’re at an event where you really want to look your best. Just remember to put them back in when you’re finished.
  • No Soft Tissue Irritation – There are no painful wires or uncomfortable brackets to worry about – only smooth, comfortable plastic that fits well over your teeth and doesn’t irritate your gums.
  • Shorter Average Treatment Timeline – In most cases, Invisalign treatment will last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, which is a significant improvement over the multiple years traditional braces can sometimes require to be fully effective.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Aligners for Invisalign in Port Orange in case

Unfortunately, we can’t provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost of your Invisalign treatment here. After all, there are multiple factors we need to consider first, including the severity of your case and how many aligners are needed. Once we have all of the information we need, we will create your custom treatment plan, provide you with an estimate of the price, and discuss the financial solutions we offer at our Port Orange dental office.

Contact Water’s Edge Dental today to schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions. We’re dedicated to providing patients of all ages with dental care that’s both comfortable and high-quality! Located in Port Orange, FL, we also serve the areas of Daytona Beach, Holly Hill, Edgewater, Ormond Beach, and beyond.